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What are the names of the two zones represented by the question marks shown in this diagram?
A. Real time analytics zone
B. Information audit and logging zone
C. Extract, translate, and loading zone
D. Exploration, landing, and archive zone
E. Information cleansing and preparation zone
Answer: BC
What are three major types of analytics?
A. Predictive
B. Descriptive
C. Scorecards
D. Prescriptive
E. Dashboards
F. Data Warehouse
Answer: ACE
Information governance is most helpful in assessing and managing which dimension of big data?
A. variety
B. volume
C. velocity
D. veracity
Answer: C
The annotators perform which tasks in this information flow diagram for the search and analytics process?
A. They work with custom dictionaries, rules, and annotators.
B. They create searchable indexes/collections with annotations.
C. They identify and mark concepts relevant for the organization.
D. They collect documents specialized for types of data sources
Answer: B
A construction supply company has a lot of machine data ranging from sensors to GPS readings. They want to integrate and analyze this data to help them optimize their resource allocation and gain real time maintenance decision support while ensuring customer satisfaction. Which use case examples should the Solution Advisor review to guide them on their Big Data & Analytics adoption planning?
A. Big Data Exploration
B. Operational Analysis
C. Data Warehouse Modernization
D. Enhanced 360 View of the Customer
Answer: C
A customer is concerned about the vast amount of data they receive. They do not know the value of the data, but they want a cost efficient way to capture the data for further analysis. What is this scenario an example of in big data?
A. Archive
B. Landing
C. Caching
D. Exploration
Answer: A
Which IBM product uses the unique combination of UIMA pipeline for natural language processing and machine learning?
A. IBM Watson Explorer
B. IBM Info Share streams
C. IBM Info Share BigInsights
D. IBM Watson Content Analytics
Answer: C
Which statement is true when comparing SQL used in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and SQL data on Hadoop type systems?
A. When adding or updating information in Hadoop. HiveQL provides a flexible language construct for MapReduce developers.
B. MapReduce developers and database specialist may both use their knowledge of SQL to add and update information in a Hive database.
C. HiveQL is an ANSI SQL language that can be used by Oracle, IBM DB2. and other RDMS developers to rapidly insert information into Hive.
D. Oracle and IBM DB2 are examples of SQL systems that are used to house business information and well suited for CRUD and read-only operations.
Answer: D
A System z customer wants to reduce the incidence of insurance claims fraud by policy holders.
Which System z solution should be proposed?
A. IBM zEnterprise Linux Server for Analytics
B. The IBM Signature Solution – Next Best Action
C. IBM Genelco Insurance Administration Solution
D. IBMSmarterAnalytics.Anti-Fraud^aste.andAbuseSolutionforlnsurance
Answer: B
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