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A customer has many highly variable Linux workloads that would virtualize very well with z/VM. The customer needs end to end resource and workload policy management.
They need to provision and deploy new instances of Linux easily and quickly in the future.
Which of these alternatives would be the most appropriate zEnterprise solution?
A. Linux on z/VM and IFLs with Unified Resource Manager
B. zBX since recent announcements shift focus away from Linux on z/VM as a viable solution
C. Linux on POWER blades in a zBX with Unified Resource Manager for simplified management
D. Linux on z/VM and IFLs with Services to setup and provide ongoing support for z/VM
Answer: A
A System z customer has a new CIO.
The CIO is concerned about continuous operations and recovery following a catastrophe.
Which of the following addresses this issue?
D. Parallel Sysplex
Answer: C
A customer has a large number of distributed servers running Linux.
Which of the following is a potential benefit of consolidating these systems onto Linux on System z?
A. If the distributed servers are highly utilized, they make good candidates to consolidate onto Linux on System z.
B. Linux on System z is controlled by IBM, it is far superior to Linux on other platforms.
C. Server consolidation may result in a reduced footprint, environmental savings, and increased speed of virtual Linux server creation.
D. Consolidating onto a System z can increase security since the use of HiperSockets is required.
Answer: C
What is a key security differentiator of z/OS compared to distributed server operating systems?
A. z/OS provides a role based access method.
B. z/OS utilizes RACF to provide an end-to-end security context.
C. Applications run in enclaves which provide security by isolation.
D. z/OS utilizes LDAP to provide an end-to-end security context.
Answer: B
A customer has an AIX Power server farm.
Which of the following would be reasons for the customer to consider moving to a zBX with POWER blades environment?
A. Saving on environmental expense using a stand-alone zBX rack with POWER blades
B. Take advantage of POWER blade models that are only available for the zBX
C. This is the fastest way for POWER blades to communicate with a System z
D. Decrease networking requirements and enhance management automation
Answer: D
A customer is planning to implement new hardware including System x blades, POWER System blades and System z.
The customer is concerned about the complexity in monitoring and metering the hardware environment.
They are interested in a holistic solution that provides functionality like firmware management, guest monitoring, network configuration, workload management and storage allocation.
Which of the following IBM products would cover all these requirements?
A. IBM Systems Director
B. Tivoli System Automation
C. Unified Resource Manager
D. Tivoli Service Automation Manager (TSAM)
Answer: C
A customer has several multi tier applications deployed on competitive platforms, including some large Linux applications, Unix and Windows, and is experiencing problems with managing the environment and growth.
The customer does not have any mainframe experience.
Which one should be our initial offering to help the customer solve the infrastructure management problem?
A. TCO study to consolidate on Linux for System z
B. Workload Assessment Study to verify applicability of zEnterprise
C. zEnterprise System with Linux on System z, Windows on zBX, Tivoli products, and services
D. zEnterprise System with z/OS and DB2, Linux and Windows on zBX, Tivoli products, and services
Answer: B
Client has a large z990, large memory and multiple I/O channels and ports that they want to upgrade to z196 shortly.
Which of the following options will achieve this result at lowest cost?
A. z990 MES to interim z10 EC then MES z10 to z196
B. Direct MES upgrade to a z196
C. Upgrade to z9 EC and then to z196
D. New z196 and with new memory and upgraded I/O
Answer: D
A zEnterprise customer is interested in the Cloud technology and is worrying about charging back the service.
Which of the following Tivoli offering addresses this?
A. Tivoli Security for zEnterprise
B. Integrated Service Management of Tivoli
C. Tivoli Performance Manager for zEnterprise
D. Tivoli Asset and Financial Management for zEnterprise
Answer: B
The zEnterprise Unified Resource Manager provides more unique value compared to VMware. Which of the following is true?
A. VMware manages x86 architecture only
B. VMware manages any Blade in a zBX
C. VMware manages any type of Blade in a BladeCenter
D. VMware provides end-to-end application support across heterogeneous environments
Answer: A
A customer has a z196 and is considering adding Linux to their server.
Which specialty engine is capable of running Linux?
Answer: B
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